Monday, 22 July 2013

First full day!

Now that everyone had settled in it was time for the work to begin! It was the students' first tutorials today. The molecular medicine students - Elizabeth, Sarah, Tudor and Shalini - had a tutorial based on disease, where they learned about different types of diseases, including some pretty gruesome infections!They enjoyed the tutorial but were surprised by the amount of discussion involved in the tutorial compared to a normal class.

After tutorials the staff showed everyone where they could grab lunch in the city centre and the students had some free time to explore Oxford in the sun. This year we have been incredibly lucky with the weather we've been having - it was 30 degrees for most of today!

Then it was time for independent research and study before going on a tour of Oxford. During the tour students saw all of the main sights in Oxford - including the Radcliffe CameraBodleian LibraryChrist Church Meadow (and the college itself!), and the Bridge of Sighs. Students also were able to look around the present and former colleges of staff members, exploring their libraries and various quads. They heard all about student and college life at Oxford, from college rivalries (for example St. John's attempting to destroy Keble literally brick by brick) to strange traditions (such as May Morning). There was a lot of curiosity and questions to be answered by our guides!

After the tour we all ate at Fire and Stone, a pizza restaurant with exotic menu options such as "Peking", which is a pizza that includes crispy duck and hoi sin sauce as toppings! Whilst understandably Ernesto thought pizza was better back in Italy, generally students enjoyed their meals. This was followed by a trip to the Oxford institution that is G&D's, an ice-cream shop and cafe frequented by students. Its midnight closing time and Wi-Fi makes it a popular alternative to the library!

After this the plan was to play rounders in University Parks, however the first rain since the heatwave we've been having struck, so some returned to the accommodation early. Tudor finally experienced typical British weather, which he was looking forward to! The remaining students thoroughly enjoyed a wet but fun evening!

Sheltering from the rain!

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