Tuesday, 6 August 2013

First full day!

It was the first full day of summer school today! The students began the day with their first tutorials of the summer school. Tutorials are one of the most valuable aspects of an Oxbridge degree and involve work in small groups with experts in their field. They encourage independent thought and allow much more of a conversation and exchange between tutors and students than in a classroom situation.

After being stretched in their tutorials, students had time for lunch before going on a tour of Oxford. Whilst on the tour they were shown around St John's College by current student Alasdair. He was able to show them parts of the college closed to tourists and discuss student and college life at Oxford.

 Students also visited famous sites around Oxford, including Christ Church College, where many scenes of Harry Potter have been filmed. Other popular sites included Trinity College and fudge kitchen!
Students outside Christ Church College

In the evening a summer school quiz tested students' knowledge of everything from Mean Girls to Economics! There were also challenges for students to win extra points. Daniel excelled at eating a doughnut without licking your lips challenge, whereas Team Dogsburg did a great job of eating a bowl of cereal with chopsticks! In the end Team Blah were the overall winners, having overtaken Team Dogsburg in the last round!
Eating cereal with chopsticks challenge

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